Homage to the Homemaker


Enid Seeney – Ridgeway Potteries Ltd (Staffordshire)

Enid Seeneys' most famous design, Homemaker, was launched in 1957. The black-and-white pattern featured contemporary furniture and other domestic objects on the plates. It was available in Woolworths department stores, and brought modern design into ordinary homes at an affordable price.
I have always admired the simplicity of the design and the illustration style was easy to print on a mass scale. I remember our family having a set of these, unfortunately long gone chipped and broken into the base of a plantpot probably.
This is my homage to the Homemaker Design and its wonderful artist Enid Seeney.

My version of The Homemaker Plate, Subtractionism style

Homemaker plate stylised version

A 1950s Design Classic


Looking at surface pattern design

I really enjoyed creating this, if there are any Ceramic Design students who'd like to take it on board - I think it would make a great design, or maybe I need to get my hands dirty, more to follow ...

Featured Buildings; Starting at the top of the plate and moving clockwise - Marks and Spencer, CIS Building, Bernard House, Kendals, Hexagon Tower, The Longford Essoldo, The Renold Building, Manchester Library and Manchester Art Gallery in the centre.

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